Rogue One, a Star Wars story – or once again The Mexican saves the day – El mexicano salva la Galaxia


You have to see Rogue One, a Star Wars story. !Tienes que ir a ver la nueva película de La Guerra de las Galaxias!

I don’t care if you don’t like science fiction, or if you are sick of sequels, prequels, spin-offs, or whatever name you want to give it.  I don’t care if you don’t like the fact that Disney bought Lucasfilm or if you only watch chick flicks, or European movies.

Seriously, I mean it. You have to see Rogue One: A Star Wars story and have to take everybody you can with you, especially your children. Basically, you HAVE to go and see Diego Luna show the world how he not only got the part of Captain Cassian Andor as a Latino actor, but also that he didn’t pretend to have flawless English, or that he changed his looks to be “neutral”– but how he stole the movie and saved the Rebellion. As usual, the Latino saved the day!screen-shot-2016-12-14-at-10-04-46-pm

Te lo digo en serio, no solo porque está buenísima, sino porque la mujer y el latino arrasan y salvan el mundo. Bueno, el latino, nuestro querido Diego Luna se roba el show. Impecable, como siempre. Todo un orgullo. Tanto así, que los extremistas partidarios de Donald Trump están planificando boicotearla. ¡Qué ridiculez!

But that’s only one of many reasons to see the highly anticipated installment in the Star Wars franchise. We also have a kick-ass heroine. A woman heading the Rebel Alliance and another one ready to keep fighting The Empire. The rest of the heroes are men of color – meaning they are not of Indo European ancestry. I must admit it was refreshing and beautiful to watch. Did you hear that Marvel and DC? In a Galaxy Far Far Away the hashtag #Heroesnotsowhite would work perfectly.

Guess what? The Alt-Right (white racist dudes) hate it!


Now, of course those things are not the main reason why you should see  Rogue One, a Star Wars story. It’s actually a great movie, that will keep you and your family entertained from beginning to end, and will fill some holes in the Star Wars story. Plus there is Diego Luna…. I know, I know, but seriously, it’s not only that he is one of mine, but he is really good as the morally ambiguous smileless Cassian Andor. Did I mentioned he saves the day?

Some of you have asked me about kids and ages. There is enough action to keep a 6 year-old entertained, but I would recommend for 10 and older. There are some situations that can generate a lot of anxiety on the little ones. However, I know some younger kids are super fans. If you have one of those, let me tell you a mini-spoiler: The bad guys shoot our heroine Jyn’s mom in front of her when she is a little girl and we see it all. Mercifully, there is no blood. That is the worst part, at the beginning, and then there is the end, but you can work around that one.

If you are not a super fan, let me set the movie for you. Rogue One, a Star Wars story is supposed to happen a few days before Princess Leia send R2D2  with the message “Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you are my only hope”. I mean, a few days before the first Star Wars movie.

Of course, if we were counting the movies in George Lucas’ crazy sequence, it would be episode 3 3/4. Remember, we saw episodes 4, 5 and 6 first. Then 1, 2, 3 and last year we saw episode 7.


Para los que me han preguntado para niños de qué edad funciona la película les digo que el principio está un poco rudo para los chiquitos de 4 a 7 años. Yo me esperaría hasta los 10, pero si los tuyos son fiebrudos, te cuento que al principio matan a la mamá de la protagonista cuando ella es chiquitita. Claro, es Disney, ni una gota de sangre. El final queda en tus manos.

Si eso no es problema, pues hay suficiente acción para entretener a los más hiperactivos y se van a enamorar del nuevo robot. Es el comediante de la película.

Y para que te ubiques te cuento que la historia transcurre unos días antes de lo que sucedió en la primera película que vimos, esa en la que la princesa Leia manda a “arturito” con un mensaje para salvar la galaxia. 



I told you you have to see it, right? ¿Te dije que la fueras a ver, verdad?


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